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Boss asks employee ‘Why aren’t you going on holiday’ moments after firing him

An employee took to Reddit to share how his boss dived straight into a light-hearted conversation with him moments after firing him from his job. His “mind-blowing” conversation with his employer has shocked people and prompted many to share similar stories.
“Literally being laid off by the owner of the establishment, and during the conversation, he mentions he’s going to another continent with his partner and children during the summer,” the Reddit user wrote.
He added that his soon-to-be-ex-boss then asked him where he was going, to which he answered, “Nowhere”.
After the employee’s answer, the conversation took a bizarre turn when the employer said, “How come? You should go on holiday! You seem really stressed! You’ve got to go somewhere and relax and treat your kids”.
The Reddit user added, “You’ve literally told me I won’t have a job in a week. I genuinely can’t tell if he was being unbelievably stupid or was making fun of me. Either way, wt* man.”
Since being shared a day ago, the post has collected more than 2,100 upvotes. It has also prompted people to share varied comments.
“I got a 0% pay rise at a company for one year and a small bonus. Boss asked what treat I was going to buy with it,” posted a Reddit user.
“The owner of somewhere I worked told me he had no idea if his stove at home was gas or electric because he’d never actually used it before – he just always ate out instead. I saw his credit card bills, and he spent more at restaurants in 3 months than I made all of last year,” shared another.
“I found a part-time call centre job once. This was back when call centres were office-based rather than remote work. The team leader had the audacity to say he envied our part-time at-will status, as it meant we could go on holiday any time we liked. Different planet,” commented a third.
“He is just inconsiderate. To him, laying you off has no consequences. Everyone has at least $80k in cash somewhere, right? And a good-paying job is just around the corner. And if it takes a bit longer, then your partner has a high enough income to get past the longer job search,” expressed a fourth.
“My boss at my last job emailed every employee (200+) after his two-week summer vacation. He said that he is hoping everybody is fresh now and can get to work even harder,” added a fifth.
“It seems that most boss types forget how little they are paying people and how bad inflation is. My boss recently took a two-week vacation and then had the guts to come back and tell us how wonderful it was and that we all need to ‘take the time’ to go someplace special. I have not had a vacation in 15 years. There is no money in the budget for such frivolity,” joined a sixth.
“You should point out that you probably don’t get paid enough to afford a holiday,” wrote a seventh.
